Welcome to new subscribers, all of whom I imagine came to this via Dan Kois' very kind endorsement of the 1980s survey set on this week's episode of Slate's Culture Gabfest podcast. I hope you enjoy new songs as much as old songs. If you enjoy this site/newsletter and the survey mixes, pass it on to a friend. This is not a commercial endeavor so I don't care that much about audience size, but it's nice to have people who might like the site find out about it.
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Fluxblog Weekly #70: Slow Club, Angel Olsen…
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Welcome to new subscribers, all of whom I imagine came to this via Dan Kois' very kind endorsement of the 1980s survey set on this week's episode of Slate's Culture Gabfest podcast. I hope you enjoy new songs as much as old songs. If you enjoy this site/newsletter and the survey mixes, pass it on to a friend. This is not a commercial endeavor so I don't care that much about audience size, but it's nice to have people who might like the site find out about it.